Time Off for Healing

I will be taking an indefinite break from maintaining this blog as I’m currently struggling with several health issues. The insomnia I’ve had for several years has reached a dangerous point, and my body is beginning to collapse. After having tried just about every possible medical solution in Honduras without success, I have finally given in and will seek medical help in the United States before returning to Honduras with new strength. Please pray for me during this extremely difficult time, as I’ve been on bed-rest for the past week and am struggling with high fever, dizziness, bodily pains and almost zero appetite in addition to sleepless nights (and days). I even went to the emergency room of a local private hospital a few days ago, but they were unable to help me.

Thus, I am embarking on a journey of healing as I seek to walk faithfully with Christ and trust that His power is working actively in my life.

Please pray for my husband Darwin and our kids in my absence, that God would sustain them in His love and encourage their hearts. Thank you.

5 thoughts on “Time Off for Healing”

  1. My prayers are covering you, Darwin, and all the kids. May the strength of our precious God cover you and give those who are going to be treating you the wisdom on how to help you. Sorry to hear of the tremendous pain and suffering that you have been enduring.

  2. Praying for you, Jennifer as you seek help stateside. You are such a living testimony of God’s grace and sustaining strength amidst the physical onslaught you have dealt with for some time now! I am glad to hear you are going to seek additional help and healing and pray you are able to find ready solutions and capable caregivers in your pursuit of help. If there is anything I can do to assist in this segment of your journey, I am here for you. I also pray for Darwin and the kids as they endure through your absence, as you will be so surely missed.

  3. Hope you can find the medical treatment in the u.s. Take the time you need to get well. You can’t help anyone until you have your health. Love, aunt Lynn & uncle pat

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